Alpine herbfield can be found at 3,500 m and above. Characteristic herbaceous plants in this ecosystem include numerous species of Primula, such as P. serratifolia, P. capitata, P. triloba, P. dickieana, P. chamaethauma, and P. fea as well as Omphalogramma souliei (Primulaceae), various gentian species, including Gentiana wardii and Gentiana sino-ornata (Gentianaceae), Cremanthodium, Lactuca, the woolly Saussurea gossypiphora (Asteraceae) and Eriophyton wallichii (Lamiaceae), Cyananthus (Campanulaceae), Polygonum griffithii (Polygonaceae), Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae), Corydalis cashmeriana, the endemic blue poppy Meconopsis violacea and other Meconopsis species (Papaveraceae), Pedicularis species including the endemic Pedicularis nana (Orobanchaceae), Astragalus (Fabaceae), Ranunculus, Caltha paulustris (Ranunculaceae), Cyprepedium tibeticum (Orchidaceae), Iris (Iridaceae), bulbous species of Fritillaria, Nomocharis souliei, Gagea (Liliaceae) and Allium (Amaryllidaceae), as well as numerous grass (Poaceae) rush (Luzula, Juncaceae) and sedge (Carex, Cyperaceae) species. The shrubs that occur here are dwarf forms including numerous species of Rhododendron, such as R. anthopogon, R. repens, R. campylogynum and the two endemic species R. crebreflorum and R. riparium (Ericaceae). Thin mats of dwarf Rubus and Potentilla fruticosa (Rosaceae), Cassiope and Diplarche (Ericaceae) also occur in the upper ecotone.