There is very little information on the native plants and animals of this ecosystem. Borassus flabellifer (Arecaceae), Acacia leucophloea and Acacia catechu (Fabaceae) are the dominant trees, but some stands also have broad-leaved trees. The ground layer is highly disturbed by grazing and cultivation. It is dominated by introduced plants but likely to include native hydrophytic grasses, sedges and forbs, including Paspalum, Isachne, Oryza (Poaceae), Carex, Cyperus (Cyperaceae) and Persicaria (Polygonaceae). This ecosystem once supported endemic and near-endemic birds including Burmese Collared-dove Streptopelia xanthocycla, Jerdon's Minivet Pericrocotus albifrons (NT), Hooded Treepie Crypsirina cucullate (NT) Burmese Bushlark Mirafra microptera, Burmese Prinia Prinia cooki, Ayeyarwady Bulbul Pycnonotus blanfordi and White-throated Babbler Chatarrhaea gularis. The system probably supported an assemblage of large herbivores (e.g. cervids, rhinoceros, elephants) and their predators (tigers and smaller felines).